Agency Plan

40 Job Postings
Unlimited Application Access.
25 Days Job Posting Validity
02 Featured Job Credits
Premium 24×7 Support.


SKU: RTA-008 Category: Tags: ,


Agency Plan Includes:

  • 40 Job Postings
  • Unlimited Application Access.
  • 25 Days Job Posting Validity
  • 02 Featured Job Credits
  • Company profile & Employer Dashboard
  • Unlimited Job Applicants. No cap on how many candidates can apply.
  • Distribution to hundreds of local Job Boards.
  • Job Alerts emails delivered to candidates
  • Start and stop job posting at any time
  • No Resume Database Access
  • Mobile-optimized job view to reach candidates where they spend their time.
  • Built-in text and email capability to contact candidates directly,
  • Email alerts when new resumes have been submitted that match your criteria
  • Job Invites & Virtual Meetings
  • Premium 24×7 Support.

*Please note that the amounts are exclusive of taxes.
*Taxes will be added as applicable.
*All unlimited features are subject to FUP limits.